Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Verona! Venice! Florence part 2!

I am so bad about updating this thing. 

Last week we had a travel break starting Monday and we (10 girls) headed off to Verona for the night.   It was really exciting to see Juliet's house (even though it's not really her house).  I had gone to see Letter's to Juliet the afternoon before I left for Italy with Hannah so it was really cool to be able to be in the same place.  The courtyard and the famous wall were definitely my favorite part of the house.  We didn't go inside the museum (because it was closing and cost money).  But the main attraction is really the wall anyway.  Here are some pictures:

Statue of Juliet (she doesn't look 13 to me)

Some of the notes:

Needless to say it was a beautiful place.  Maybe a random place for us to go but we are girls and do like a good love story.  

Tuesday morning/afternoon we traveled to Venice and were there until Thursday.  If you don't know anything about Venice: it is 117 islands connected by 400 bridges.  The best way to get around is by water taxi.  

I think if I ever moved to Europe and decided to live near the water - I would come to Venice.  It is sooo easy to get lost (and we did - about 4 or 5 times).  But that just adds to the adventure.  

Our hotel was pretty out of the way and not my favorite place in the world.  After checking in, about 6 of us headed over to St. Mark's square to just look around.  We spent about an hour there, taking pictures (we tried to take pictures with the birds - but they just didn't like us).  We went to meet the other girls for dinner for MK's birthday and then went for a night time gondola ride.  It was nice but pretty hard to see anything or to get good pictures.  

Okay, so here is the thing.  I'm clumsy.  I don't have good balance. I never really have.  I trip and fall constantly. Just ask my parents or my sister or anyone who has ever gone anywhere with me.  When we got back to the hotel the floor was slippery and I fell.  And I may or may not have broken my little toe (pretty sure I did though).  And a week later, it looks A LOT better but still hurts pretty bad.  

Wednesday morning we got up and headed back to St. Mark's and went in to the Basilica.  We didn't pay to walk into the various parts, but most of it you could see in the area that was free.      Wednesday was also a national Italian holiday so we got to see part of that celebration.  We then went to Murano, a small island off of Venice that is famous for it's glass.  We got to see someone make a glass horse.  It was one of the most amazing things I think I have ever seen.  

We spent the majority of the day there, and right when we were getting ready to head to the taxi stand it started to rain.  Pictures before the rain: 

The plan had been that I was going to go back to the hotel for a bit to rest (my foot was killing me by this point) and the other girls were going to go shopping and then I was going to meet them for dinner at the Hard Rock.  But with the rain, we all ended up back at the hotel napping.  It was probably the most amazing nap ever. 

We still went to Hard Rock - we met three other girls there.  Have an iced drink and free refills was fantastic. Being in Europe makes you appreciate things like that back at home. 

Thursday we pretty much just traveled back to Sansepolcro. 
Friday we had class and our second family dinner. So fun! I was so nervous about family dinners but they have truely been some thing special. And of course I was thinking about my own family back in NC doing all that they were doing on Friday and Saturday.
Saturday we had class all day. 
Sunday was the same. And I had skype date with Hannah.
Monday we went to a local museum here in Sansepolcro and saw Piero della Francesca's The Resurrection.  And then had class. And I got to talk to Emily and my parents for a little bit.

Today, we had class this morning (our class took a bit of a field trip and went to see a couple of  churches and the market).  This afternoon Anna, Barb, Ari, Linley, and myself skipped lunch at the Palazzo got on the bus and train and went back to Florence.  We only ended up being there for about 3 hours but it was so worth it.  Ari and Linley climbed the Duomo while Anna, Barb, and I went to Santa Croce.  I was so excited! Our first trip we missed getting to go in and I had really wanted to.  So we went in and spent more time in there than we meant too.  The sad part was that the tombs and memorials that were of the people we knew (Dante, Michaelangelo, Machiavelli) were being worked on and we couldn't see them.  I guess that just means I'll have to go back one day (cough ellen-graduated-from-college-frazier-family-trip?cough).  We also went to the market and did some shopping - look out friends, I got some of you presents today! 

All in all, the past few days have been fun.  Tomorrow we are going to Assisi - so excited about this! I am the first one in the Frazier 4 to go there and that doesn't happen often or ever.  


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