Monday, August 1, 2011

Summer of Laughter and Love

It is so hard to believe that it is almost the end of summer. And what a summer it has been. 

Graduation has come and gone. 
And now its time for some new adventures in a different type of wonderland.   The past couple of months have been full of special memories, that I can't help but want to share.  

Lizzy is getting married in September. No new information there.  But this summer has been full of celebrating her and Jason.  
There have been showers/parties: 

(you can't really see J's but it says J OQuinn with a 9 - since you know their wedding date is 9/24 - these fab jerseys are their gifts from Kevin)

(this might be my fav from the most recent shower)

We've been finalizing the details: 
(okay so she and mom addressed and mailed - but I was there to take pictures)

And of course there have been dress fittings, but I'm not sharing pictures of those. :)
At the end of the day, when all these events are done, I can't help but think how happy I am for my sissy.  She is my best friend, someone I've looked up to all my life. And I am so honored to be her MOH and that I get to watch her and Jason begin this next stage of their lives together. 

There was also another wedding in my life this summer. My dear, sweet, wonderful friend Hannah is now a married lady.  Hannah was my saving grace my freshman year at Meredith and I am eternally grateful for her love and friendship.  We have been through/done so much together from falling in love to heartbreak to bad grades (those were few and far between ;) ) to dealing with crazy (but wonderful) parents to studying abroad to mid-week movie dates and so much more.  I loved being her MOH and taking a late night Wal-Mart run with her the night before the wedding.  The photographer captured this moment that is only slightly posed but so naturally us - always laughing at/with each other. 

Congrats Han! :)

My life may seem like wedding central right now (and to some degree it is) but I've also got to have some concert fun. 

As you may know, Lizzy gave me tickets to NKOTBSB for my birthday and the concert was July 23rd.  We have both ALWAYS been a huge Backstreet Boys fans and to be able to see them (and Donnie Wahlberg - i only have a small crush) was simply the greatest.

I made us some t-shirts and we did not hesitate to enjoy ourselves. Sadly, as great as iPhones are - pictures from a distance/super darkness don't turn out so great.  Buuuttt Matthew Morrison from Glee, New Kids on the Block, and the Backstreet Boys all put on a live show worth seeing.  And yes, Matthew Morrison did sing Gold Digger. 

(and why yes, those are in fact side side ponys.)

On the 27th, we went to the American Idol concert.  And made t-shirts for that too. 
 Our real adventure with this concert had more to do with locking the keys in the car pre-concert. But thank goodness for the kind people at the RBC center and the AAA guy who got the keys out free of charge post-concert.
 And what concert isn't complete without a late night gas station trip where a fire truck shows up?
And then there was Thursday. Where I got the most cryptic voice mail ever from my friend Zack.  Which basically ended in lots of squealing on my part and having to keep big news from someone I would normally call to share big news with for TWO days! I about died. 
But then finally I got the text with the fantastic news. 
Nataleigh and Zack are engaged! 

I don't know two people that deserve this much love and happiness in the world.  I am so excited for them as they begin this next journey of their lives together.  As we celebrated on Sunday, I can honestly say I've never seen her happier (Zack too I guess).  The love that these two share is pure and beautiful.  I am honored to say that I've gotten to watch as they fall in love and am looking forward to watching them continue their love story, as they get to work on the "happily ever after." 
Congrats Nataleigh and Zack!