Monday, November 29, 2010


Tomorrow is a very hectic day for me. I have lots due and even a final exam.  But I do want to take a moment and share some things I am thankful for (because Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday). 

So here is my list (well part of it): 

My parents. They have been my own personal lighthouse (cheesy - I know, but stay with me).  My parents have let me go out and live my life, make a few mistakes, and decide what makes me happy.  But they have ALWAYS been there for me to come back to, to share the joys and the heartache, and on occasion have had to help me (like a lighthouse helping a ship into port - get it? i'm still very aware of the cheesiness). 

My sister.  She is my best friend. Hands down.  I don't think there are enough words to explain how lucky I am to be her sister.  And how proud I will be to stand beside her when she gets married next year.  

My grandparents.  I am lucky that I have these two people in my life.  I spend most Sunday afternoons with them, and I am forever thankful for that time.  They have always been two of my favorite people and two of my biggest inspirations.  They are so in love with each other and I can only hope that I can find that one day too. 

I have some of the most amazing friends in the world.  We laugh. We cry. We text. We facebook chat sitting beside each other. We giggle. We get angry. We get over it (and that is the real gift). 

And then there are things I think we are all thankful for like a roof over my head, food to eat, air conditioning, heat, and running water.  

And today I am so thankful for my support system.  Because school is insane.  Almost over, but insane.  I am thankful for the opportunities I have had at Meredith.

Over the past few weeks, I have really learned to be thankful for who I am.  I am a loved person, and there is no reason to change myself for someone else (not that I've been trying).

So here is a delayed HAPPY THANKSGIVING! 

Friday, November 19, 2010

End of a Semester.

This week was a whirlwind of papers, tests, and presentations.  It was also our last full week of classes.  Next week, we have two days of class and then the Fraziers and O'Quinns are headed to the mountains for Thanksgiving.  (Btws - the mountains in the fall is my absolute favorite.)

Then all I have left is three days of classes, senior sleepover, and three exams. 

And then before too much longer, it will be my last semester of college. Holy smokes. 

I'm not ready, but I'm not really sure if any of us are. Our time at Meredith has been a joy, an experience, and sometimes a pain.  But at the end of the day, we call Meredith home.  And as hard as it will be to say goodbye, I hope to the moon and back that our last days here are the best we can make them.  Exams will come, student teaching/internships will become tiring, papers will be hard to write, and in May we will leave.  

But we will be back, most likely for Cornhuskin'. And we will just have to remember that there is no place like home. 

We still have months till it's time to say goodbye.  And I plan on making everyday of my last semester at Meredith a wonderful memory. 

Like this one: 

Or this one: 

Or even this one of two Duke girls with a wolf: